Journal of Applied Research in Community Colleges. Peer-Reviewed Since 1993

The Journal of applied research in the community college (JARCC) is accepting manuscripts for its Fall 2025 edition.

FALL 2017 - VOLUME 24, ISSUE 2

STOP OUT, DROP OUT, GRAD OUT: The Differential Impact of Institutional Services on Anticipated Persistence Among African American Community College Men

Elliott R. Coney, San Diego State University

The purpose of this study was to examine African American community college males’ differential perceptions of institutional services (e.g., service access, service use, service care, and service efficacy) and consequent effects on anticipated persistence (e.g., stop out, drop out, and grad out). This study used data from African American men enrolled in a large urban community college district (N=212), in the southwestern United States. Using the Community College Survey of Men (CCSM), the study applied a one-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) to analyze the dataset. The findings of this study connote that student experiences and perceptions of service access, service care, and service efficacy differ significantly across levels of anticipated persistence—specifically for students who anticipated exit before completing their educational goals.

Keywords: Community college; African American males; student success

Coney, E. R. (2017). Stop out, drop out, grad out: The differential impact of institutional services on anticipated persistence among African American community college men. Journal of Applied Research in the Community College, 24(2), 1-14.

Using Feasibility Studies in Capital Fundraising Campaigns: A National Survey of Community Colleges

Everrett A. Smith, University of Cincinnati
Michael T. Miller, University of Arkansas
G. David Gearhart, University of Arkansas

Community colleges increasingly participate in capital fundraising campaigns. Previous research has suggested that these campaigns are reliant on business and industry support, but the broader community of fundraising professionals note that effective planning for capital campaigns begin with a feasibility study. Such planning processes allow institutions to fully understand their opportunities and recognize what work needs to take place prior to implementing a campaign. Based on the elements of a capital campaign, 212 community colleges that had conducted capital campaign were surveyed about how important feasibility study elements were to their campaigns. With 99 respondents, the most critical elements of a feasibility study were identified as understanding the fundraising and fiscal environment of the campaign, developing a strong and effective case statement, and identifying the appropriate staffing level to successfully conduct the campaign.

Keywords: community colleges; fundraising; finance; planning

Smith, E. A., Miller, M. T., & Gearhart, G. D. (2017). Using feasibility studies in capital fundraising campaigns: A national survey of community colleges. Journal of Applied Research in the Community College, 24(2), 15-27.

State-Mandated Participatory Governance in California Community Colleges: Perceptions of College and Faculty Senate Presidents

Anthony E. Beebe, Santa Barbara City College

It has been nearly 30 years since the passage of California’s AB 1725 in 1988 requiring participatory governance in California’s community colleges. The goal of the legislation was to move to a collegial model of governance, where faculty is involved in meaningful ways in college decision making in faculty related-areas. This Delphi study explored the California community college governance system through the perspectives of the state’s 114 college and faculty senate presidents, the primary governance leaders. The study sought to identify the essential characteristics of AB 1725, establishing a profile of perceived strengths, drawbacks, and improvements of this governance system. Study participants developed the profile elements and scored them on a 7-point Likert-type scale. Mean scores and standard deviations were examined for participant consensus. The study concluded with a summary profile of strengths, drawbacks, and suggested improvements for AB 1725, conclusions related to the Baldridge framework of governance, and implications for practice.

Keywords: Delphi; community college; leadership; governance; participatory governance; shared governance; California community college system; AB 1725; academic senate

Beebe, A. E. (2017). State-mandated participatory governance in California community colleges: Perceptions of college and faculty senate presidents. Journal of Applied Research in the Community College, 24(2), 29-46.

The Challenges of Community College Students in Developmental Writing and Four Ways to Help

Sim Barhoum, San Diego Mesa College

Students enrolled in developmental courses have significantly worse outcomes when it comes to degree attainment, certification, and transfer. Only 28% of students enrolled in developmental education at the community college level complete a credential or degree within 8.5 years. In addition, the students enrolled in developmental courses are largely socio-economically disadvantaged and racial/ethnic minorities. Furthermore, students enrolled in developmental writing classes at community colleges find many significant challenges trying to pass their classes. This brief presents a nationwide study of 42 validated and exemplary developmental writing faculties. Their narratives and feedback are analyzed, and the main challenges facing students enrolled in developmental writing are offered. Presented are the most promising practices of transformation for educators of developmental writing at the community college level. The main purpose of this practice brief is to reform our developmental writing pipelines and to help improve student success rates and degree attainment.

Keywords: community; college; developmental; remedial; writing; challenges; problems

Barhoum, S. (2017). The challenges of community college students in developmental writing and four ways to help. Journal of Applied Research in the Community College, 24(2), 47-56.

Better by Design: Using Design Theory to Improve a Blended Microeconomics Course

Kristen Shand, California State University Fullerton
Amber Casolari, Riverside City College
Susan Glassett Farrelly, Humboldt State University

Academic achievement in blended courses is argued to be on par with face-to-face courses, but choosing the right blended model can be a challenge. The purpose of this study was to explore the elements of a blended course that made the greatest impact on student achievement. A Principles of Microeconomics course was redesigned and implemented in four iterations, using design theory, in search of the model elements that led to the most significant improvement in final exam scores. The results suggest that student mathematics preparedness and structural factors that impact content retention produce the best results. These factors include shorter courses, segmenting the course into smaller chunks, and reviewing course content more frequently.

Keywords: blended learning; course redesign; course format; knowledge retention

Shand, K., Casolari, A., & Glassett Ferrelly, S. (2017). Better by design: Using design theory to improve a blended microeconomics course. Journal of Applied Research in the Community College, 24(2), 57-71.