Journal of Applied Research in Community Colleges. Peer-Reviewed Since 1993


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We encourage all authors who want to submit a manuscript to the JARCC to read our guidelines and requirements for submission of research manuscripts and practice briefs beforesubmission. This action will save time and effort during the review and revision process.

_____ *Title Page (Title of manuscript, authors names and professional affiliations, date. Corresponding author name, title, mailing address, phone number, email address)

_____ *Abstract and Keywords (Maximum 150 word abstract followed by 3-5 keywords. Typed on a separate page)

_____ *Body of the Manuscript (Title is formatted in the middle of the first page, abbreviated title on upper-left hand corner of each page, page number on upper-right hand of each page. If tables and/or figures are referenced within the manuscript a statement such as “Place Table X Here” should appear as centered in the place for the item)

_____ *References (In latest edition of APA format)

_____ Figures (Given a number and a title and in APA format)

_____ Tables (Given a number and a title and in APA format)

_____ Appendices (Given a number and a title)

*Required of all manuscripts

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